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Semantic features of the english verbal Attribute Straipsnyje analizuojama veiksmažodinių kalbos dalių, anglų kalbos sakinyje atliekančių pažyminio funkciją, semantika. Pažyminiai, kaip ir kitos sakinio dalys, tiek pagrindinės, tiek ir antrininkės, anglų kalboje gali būti reiškiamos beveik visomis kalbos dalimis: vardažodinėmis daiktavardžiu, būdvardžiu, skaitvardžiu, prielinksninėmis konstrukcijomisveiksmažodinėmis veiksmažodžiu, dalyviu, gerundijumi, bendratimi, prieveiksmiu arba prieveiksmio žodžių junginiu.

Šiuo požiūriu anglų kalbos sakinio dalių sintaksinės funkcijos gali būti dviprasmės, todėl būtina išsamesnė jų semantinių ypatybių analizė. Šios ypatybės, nors ir yra ne vieno loginio pagrindo, straipsnyje aptariamos siekiant atskleisti veiksmažodinę atributų specifiką.

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Abstract The article focuses on the semantic features of the verbal parts that function in the sentence as attributes and analyzes how the specific semantic features make the verbal parts of speech distinguished as attributes. Attributes, as well as other parts of sentence of the English language, both primary and secondary, can be expressed by almost any part of speech: Liolita Bernotienė Semantic Features of the English Verbal Attribute nominal noun, adjective, numeral, prepositional phrase, attributive group of words, adjectivized nounou acheter kūnas lieknas verbal verb, participle, gerund, infinitive, adverb or adverbial phrase.

In this respect, the syntactic functions of the parts of speech in the English sentence can be ambiguous, and they seem to require a profound analysis of the semantic features they acquire within the sentence. The above mentioned features though logically heterogeneous, are analyzed in the present article in order to reveal the specific character of English verbal attributes.

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Each part of speech has a characteristics of its own, the difference, however, lies in the syntactic and the semantic functions they perform in the sentence Davis, Gillon5. Ou acheter kūnas lieknas means that each linguistic unit performs the predetermined syntactical function in the sentence according to the language-as-a-system rules of every language. On the other hand, the English adjective itself can syntactically function as 1 an attribute and 2 as a predicative, i.

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However, a ou acheter kūnas lieknas degree of ambiguity may arise concerning the fact, that attributes, as well as other parts of sentence of the English language, both primary and secondary, can be expressed by almost any part of speech: 10 Semantic Features of the English Verbal Attribute nominal noun, adjective, numeral, prepositional phrase, adjectivized nounand verbal verb, participle, gerund, infinitive, adverb or adverbial phrasecf.

According to the indicated resources it turns out, that the same, above mentioned parts of speech, both nominal and verbal, can equally well function not only as the attribute but also as the subject, object, predicative, or adverbial modifiers.

In this respect, the syntactic functions of the parts of speech in the English sentence can be ambiguous and seem to require a deeper insight based on the syntactical deep structure relations between the linguistic units that comprise the sentence, as well as on the profound analysis of the semantic features they acquire within the sentence. At this juncture, a distinction has to be made between the nominal parts of speech that syntactically function as attributes and the verbal ones, thus the concept of the verbal attribute has to be defined, at the same time defining the object of the research.

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The concept of the verbal attribute implies those verbal parts of speech which syntactically function in the sentence as an attribute, i. Or: The above examples prove the rule. The motivational basis for the research is the fact that the verbal parts of speech can function in the English sentence not only as the subject, object, predicate, predicative, or adverbial modifiers but also as an attribute.

The girls were dressed to kill. Or: Laughing gas v.

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Leaking gas. In the first case the infinitive performs the syntactical function of an attribute noun complementwhereas the second example can be treated as an adverbial modifi er of manner or even purpose.

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On the other hand, in the first compound noun laughing gas v. So which features, both syntactic and semantic, make those verbal parts distinguished as attributes in the English sentence?

This complexity of the issue encourages to devote more attention to the analysis of the specificity of the semantic characteristics of the verbal parts which perform the syntactic function of the attribute. The purpose of the research is to focus on the semantic features of the verbal parts that function in the sentence as attributes and to analyze how these specific semantic characteristics make the verbal parts of speech distinguished as attributes.

The analysis of the collected corpus the authors can be indicated: D. Though, from the point of logic the distinguished features may seem heterogeneous, they are in focus of analysis in the present article in order to reveal the specific character of the English verbal attributes.

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The above mentioned features that correlate the verbal characteristics with the attributive ones arise ou acheter kūnas lieknas from the verbal origin of the verbal attributes.

It should be noted that the semantic features of indication of time dimension of simultaneity v. The generally known division of present and past participles is used to denote a process simultaneous or prior to the process of the finite verb.

However, the Past Participle alone alongside with the major descriptive — qualifying characterization can express either priority or simultaneity as an extra verbal feature, depending on the verbal origin, compare the following examples: 1 The ragtime had a cracked heart-broken rhythm Maugham On the other hand, the Present participle, mainly preceding the head noun, implies the simultaneous process or a feature in comparison with the process of the finite verb: Cf.

Liolita Bernotienė Semantic Features of the English Verbal Attribute It should be noted that the Present Participle is homonymous with another -ing form Gerund, moreover, that they both are similar in meaning, i.

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Though both, the Present Participle and the Gerund, can occur in the predicative position, for instance: Seeing is believing. The movie was exciting; or in the compound nouns: a sleeping bag v. Celce-Murcia, Larsen-Freeman— Accordingly, it should be marked, that the Participle denoting the qualifying process, i.

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The above examples of detached Past Participles express the simultaneous 2, 3or prior 1 qualifying process or state of the subject. A participial modifier is essentially a relative clause. On the other hand, the above mentioned constructions can acquire the adverbial meaning. However, the analysis is not intended to be focused on the clause level due to the limitations of the article.

According to Krylova, the participial attribute can function not only as an attribute as in the above examples, but also as an adverbial modifier, Cf.